Academic Appointments
- Instructor, Cardiovascular Institute
Honors & Awards
- Scholarship Award, Santa Cruz Developmental Biology Meeting, Santa Cruz, CA (2018)
- Best Talk Award, 2nd Annual CVI Postdoctoral Conference, Stanford, CA (2017)
- Outstanding Student Award, New England Bioscience Society, Boston, MA (2015)
- Poster Award, 2nd place, Activated Egg Symposium, Boston, MA (2013)
- Travel Grant Award, Annual Meeting of Society of Developmental Biology, Montreal, Canada (2012)
- Poster award, 1st place, Northeast Regional Meeting of the Society for Developmental Biology, Woods Hole, MA (2010)
- Poster award, 1st place, Annual Meeting of Animal Science Society in Korea (2004)
- Travel Grant Award, Visiting Japan as a student representative for Korea University (2002)
- Academic scholarship award, PURINA Korea (2001)
Professional Education
Ph.D, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Developmental Biology (2015)
MS, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Food Science (2009)
MS, Korea University, Animal Nutritioin (2004)
BS, Korea University, Animal Science (2002)
K-BioX Representative
- 대표운영위원
- 멘토링2팀장
- 포스닥 멘토팀
Major & Research Interest
- Development Biology
- Stemcell
- Single cell RNA-seq
- Cardiovascular Biology
- Endoderm Organogenesis
- Human iPSCs
- Founder of K-BioX
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Biology, Stanford
- 2016 KOLIS Stanford 대표
- Stanford K-BioX Founder 및 S1 대표
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