[바이오잡-5 : 포스닥] Columbia University – 김민아 교수


안녕하세요. 뉴욕시티에 있는 Columbia University, Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center 에 있는 Dr. Minah Kim 실험실에서 박사후 연구원을 모집하고 있습니다.


Looking for a postdoctoral fellow

Introduction to the Kim Lab:

The Kim Lab at Columbia University Irving Medical Center, New York focuses on
translational cancer and vascular biology with a primary focus on the following.



1. Unraveling effective strategies to delay metastatic progression by modulating the tumor
microenvironment, specifically by targeting the tumor vasculature.
2. Investigating the role of vascular leakage in Tcell exclusion and tumor immune suppression.
3. Understanding the contribution of bloodbrain barrier disruption to the progression of
Alzheimer’s disease.

The Kim Lab is looking for a postdoctoral fellow who will work on preclinical and translational
studies based on various mouse tumor models and human specimens by using tools such as
the following:

Immune profiling using flow cytometry and multiplex staining.
Single cell sequencing and spatial transcriptomics of mouse and human tissues.
Imaging to determine vascular changes and function.

These experiences are preferred but not required.

Additional preferred qualifications of research area:
Experience in cancer biology using mouse models and human tissues
Experience in cancer immunology
Experience in neurodegenerative diseases

If you are interested in the position, please send your cover letter and CV to
mk4242@cumc.columbia.edu. We will contact potential candidates for the subsequent interview
process after our review.

Website: https://www.pathology.columbia.edu/researchlabs/kimlab

Selected recent publications:
Lee E*, O’Keefe S*, Leong A*, Park HR, Varadarajan J, Chowdhury S, Kim S, Shiva A,
Friedman R, Remotti H, Fojo A, Yang HW, Thurston G, and Kim M#. Angiopoietin2 promotes
hepatic metastatic growth by restricting Tcell infiltration to the liver in pancreatic
neuroendocrine tumors. J Clin Invest. In Press.

Park HR*, Shiva A*, Cummings P, Kim S, Kim S, Lee E, Leong A, Chowdhury S, Shawber C,
Carvajal R, Thurston G, An JY, Lund AW, Yang HW, Kim M#. Angiopoietin2dependent spatial
vascular destabilization promotes Tcell exclusion and limits immunotherapy in
melanoma. Cancer Res. 2023 Jun 15;83(12):19681983. PubMed PMID: 37093870; PubMed
Central PMCID: PMC10267677 (Cover article)


Postdoc position_Columbia_Kim lab


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